
Art Auctions

Below are the works that I have created and donated to help others. The Art pieces will be auctioned to raise as much money as possible for that individual or charity, making it a win win win: you get a lovely piece of art, I get enjoyment from painting it and most importantly, the charity or individual receives some much needed funds, which can be life changing.

Alternatively please donate to their page.

Please see each individual auction for further details.

Auction 1

Safe Haven

My beautiful friend Heidi Ashmann is raising money to support her friend ‘Lilian’ who suffers with M.E. For more details about Lilian, and the treatment she has found, please visit her go fund me page.


Whilst painting this piece of work I listened to music that Lilian would listen too to help make a connection. The music was beautiful, orchestral and up lifting. The final piece developed into what looks like a house in a bazaar world, which was interpreted by Lilian as being similar to her being at home with her two daughters, while all is going on around her outside, out of reach.

To make a bid for this auction, which has been set up by Heidi, Please press the button below.

Safe Haven is a piece of work i have made to help raise some much needed funds to help someone who is suffering with M.E to get treatment.

please check out the gofundmepage – Set up by Lilian’s daughters – for more information.

Auction 2

‘Shades of You’

Auction 2 is a second piece made for Heidi, to raise money for her friend Lilian, who suffers with M.E. To see more details of Lilians story and the treatment she is raising money for, please visit her go fund me page here.


This piece for me has a lot of meaning. I see it as all the colours and wonderful parts of our personalities can sometimes become trapped. Either by illness, by stressful situations or because someone makes us feel worthless. But underneath, hidden from view, there is an array of colour, a whole part of someone, that they dare or cannot show, thus making us a shadow of ourselves. But it’s still there, confined and held back, but still there and one day will be free again, allowing us to show our true colours and who we really are.

To make a bid for this piece, please visit Heidi’s auction page on ebay using the button below.

please check out the gofundmepage – Set up by Lilian’s daughters – for more information.

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